Constructors The StaggeredGridView follow the same constructors convention than the GridView. There are two more constructors: countBuilder and extentBuild
Constructors The StaggeredGridView follow the same constructors convention than the GridView. There are two more constructors: countBuilder and extentBuilder. These constructors allow you to define a builder for the layout and a builder for the children. Tiles A StaggeredGridView needs to know how to display each tile, and what widget is associated with a tile. A tile needs to have a fixed number of cell to occupy in the cross axis. For the extent in the main axis you have 3 options: You want a fixed number of cells => use StaggeredTile.count. You want a fixed extent => use StaggeredTile.extent. You want a variable extent, defined by the content of the tile itself => use Changelog Please see the Changelog page to know what's recently changed. Contributions #
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