Experience alignment, completeness, excellence and fruition as you meditate on excerpts from ‘Year of Perfection’.
Beginning, February 23rd to March 1st, the message of the year; 'the Year of Perfection', will be coming to you in inspiring video excerpts and snippets for your daily meditation. It is the 8 Days of Meditation on the Word of the year.
Get ready to be better aligned with God's plan for you to walk in excellence, completeness and experience fruition in all your endeavors in this year of perfection. Download the Pastor Chris Digital Library (PCDL) app from the Google Play Store or Apple App Store to receive short video excerpts of 'the Year of Perfection' message for your daily consumption and meditation. In 8 days of this consistent daily meditation, you are guaranteed to receive glorious testimonies as the Word will greatly impact your life. Spread the message and get everyone in your sphere of contact to participate in the 8 Days of Meditation.
Follow the Pastor Chris Digital Library SuperUser account on KingsChat at https://web.kingsch.at/superusers/pcdl for more updates.
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