Pastor Deola Phillips, Pastor Lanre Alabi, stir up passion for digital evangelism in IMCC delegates.
Delegates at the 2018 International Media Connectors’ Conference were privileged to be under the tutelage of the BLW CEO, the highly esteemed Pastor Deola Phillips, who stirred them up to “spread the cities of God through social media.” In her keynote lecture, the esteemed CEO encouraged the media evangelists to be the first to believe in digital platforms that promote the Gospel.
During the same first session of the conference, the highly esteemed Director of the BLW CGI, Pastor Lanre Alabi, challenged delegates to exercise their innovative ability. “You are supposed to bring to birth things that did not exist before but came into being as a result of you,” he said to hundreds present. He admonished all delegates to think like God and also think like the man of God, Pastor Chris, in bringing new things to birth.
In what seemed like a prophetic utterance, Pastor Deola Phillips, said “the day will come, and it's even now, when God's word concerning KingsChat will be fulfilled,” encouraging delegates to be on God’s side of history by believing in the platform early. Every session at the IMCC 2018 was superlative, with so much knowledge and inspiration at the disposal of all attendees, as they listened with rapt attention to seasoned veterans and senior Pastors of the ministry. Watch highlights of Day I in the featured video, and remember to stay tuned for more exclusive updates.
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