"This June, we'll do extra praying in addition to our already ongoing pray-a-thon" — Pastor Chris Oyakhilome.
Over the years, June has been a special month of prayer for the LoveWorld nation as instructed by God's spirit. At this year's June Global Communion Service with the man of God, Reverend (Dr.) Chris Oyakhilome, which was held on Sunday June 7th, the man of God reiterated the uniqueness of the month of June as a special month of prayer. It is very special this year as the Pastor Chris Global Prayer Network which kicked off in June, several years ago, celebrates a decade of fervent prayers by partners from all around the world. + Already ongoing in this year of perfection, is the year-long, non-stop global prayer chain with Pastor Chris. Exhorting on June, being the Month of Prayer, Pastor Chris remarked — "this month we'll do extra praying in addition to the ongoing pray-a-thon." He explained that along with the already existing fifteen-minute allotted prayer time, different groups will pray for one full hour at least twice in course of the month. He also encouraged individuals to organise groups of ten to twenty people who will join them to pray at personally chosen prayer times. The year-long pray-a-thon with Pastor Chris, which commenced January 6th, 2020, will continue till January 6th, 2021. + The impact of this glorious exercise in the lives of all participants and on our world will doubtlessly be unprecedented. Now in it's 155th day, the prayer-a-thon has already recorded remarkable testimonies of tremendous impact all around the world. + Sign up today to be a partner with the Pastor Chris Global Prayer Network and ensure you participate in the Pastor Chris Live year-long Pray-A-Thon by following the Pastor Chris Live SuperUser on KingsChat at https://web.kingsch.at/superusers/pastorchrislive to receive daily prayer posts sent out by the man of God. You can also join any group praying by watching the live stream on the Pastor Chris Live SuperUser story on KingsChat.
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