Partners from various nationalities enjoy a taste of Nigeria’s diverse cultural heritage at opening ceremony.
The opening ceremony at every BLW international gathering is one to look out for, a most cherished time of celebration for delegates. On the first night of the International Partners’ Conference, LoveWorld citizens of various earthly nationalities were treated to a unique taste of Nigeria’s diverse cultural heritage.
Leading up to the multicultural dance piece, marked with eclectic moves, spoken word artistes spoke to partners on behalf of the continents they impacted. With every word, delegates had pictures painted of the impact of their participation in the Gospel around the world, being inspired to do much more. Relive the experience with the featured video above, and listen to the highly esteemed IPPC Chairman, Pastor Joy Amenkhienan, as she welcomed the global delegation to the LoveWorld Convocation Arena in Lagos, Nigeria.
Stay tuned to LoveWorld News for more exclusive updates from the ongoing conference.
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