Joyous celebration as Loveworld staff members thank God for supernatural accomplishments in 2018 at Loveworld head quarters, Lagos, Nigeria
As 2018, the year of the 'SUPERNATURAL' draws to a close, staff members of Loveworld head quarters in Lagos, Nigeria, took out time to count their blessings and come before the Lord with their sheaves to thank Him for His graciousness towards them in the last ministry year. The annual thanksgiving service this year, featured the reading of testimonies from different ministry departments, word of exaltation by the esteemed CEO, Pastor Deola Phillips, joyous music and praises as staff members danced forward with their sheaves of gratitude to God for a truly supernatural year characterized by unprecedented exploits. High point of the thanksgiving service was a special prayer by the man of God Rev. (Dr.) Chris Oyakhilome for all staff members releasing special blessings and grace for greater exploits in the coming year.
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